
Personal Stories

These are true personal stories from people who are being traumatized by LED lights.


May 16, 2022Testimony to New York State Public Service Commission – LED light triggers an immediate seizure.

January 31, 2022Epilepsy and LEDs – New York Times Opinion

April 27, 2021I’m Trapped in a State of Shock

April 16, 2021We Are Desperate to be Heard


September 14, 2023 – “I don’t leave my home. I will not go outside. I am unable to go out front as there are sooo many lights. I’ve lost hope and strength. I know we do what we can. But I can’t do anything anymore. Fact is I’m losing it all. All because of LEDs.

February 3, 2023 – Syncopal episode post LED exposure:

Having spent the day in a farm park to experience natural light, upon exiting the park to the street to be driven home, many people had LED lights on in their houses during daylight hours and the street was parked with many cars, some with flashing car alarms.

I immediately developed pain behind my left eye, became pale and nauseated and rapidly developed a migraine. Once at home I sat for some time, went to the bathroom and returned to the living room. My husband returned home from work to find me unconscious on the floor. I had passed out from the pain. He needed several minutes to bring me to consciousness. I experienced left sided head pain, numb face and arm on the left for three days.

February 3, 2022Presentation to Irish Joint Committee on Disability Matters

January 4, 2021I Have Not Been Able to Go for an Evening Walk

April 29, 2019I Get a Headache from the Bright Light


September 3, 2021An Encounter with an Emergency Vehicle

April 7, 2019The Police Chased Me through the Park


April 29, 2019I Developed a Sunburn-rash to my Face

Irlen’s Syndrome

January 21, 2022 – I have Irlen’s Syndrome and walking in the dark is horrendous because of these lights, worse when I am driving in low light! They because me significant pain.

Sjogren’s Syndrome

February 11, 2022 – It’s hard to tell exactly how much of my sensitivity to LED lights comes from my autoimmune condition (Sjogrens – which is known to cause photophobia in some patients), and how much comes from having the innate trait of high sensitivity. I get very stressed now when I drive to work and sometimes I have to work from home to have a break from driving. Even the daytime running lights on cars are nauseating for me. And the only tinted lenses that work for me are amber ones, which create other safety issues in that it’s harder to spot the traffic light colour changes etc. Strobing LED lights are becoming so common on utility vehicles and they actually cause me to go into a completely overloaded state where I can’t think straight. So I have to block them with my arm – also a hazard as I might not see a cyclist or pedestrian. I have friends and acquaintances who tell me about their aversion to LEDs also. They have a range of conditions that make LEDs harder to bear. E.g. post-concussion syndrome, migraines, high sensory sensitivity, PTSD and more. If you add up all the people in society who have one of these disorders or inherited traits then there are A LOT of people who have a reduced quality of life due to LEDs. 

Flashing LEDs

July 8, 2022Seizure from Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon


February 9, 2022New York’s Ubiquitous Glowing Screens Are Making My Life Unlivable

May 27, 2021My Right Eye Never Recovered

June 6, 2021I Immediately Felt Very Uncomfortable and Was In Pain

2021Quotes from affected Individuals – This is a set of quotes from real persons, describing their suffering from LED electromagnetic radiation.


Vehicle Lights

January 22, 2022 – I feel like it’s only going to get worse since the halogen headlight cars are being phased out and apparently all the newer vehicles are horrific blinding headlights. I’m working on tinting the windshield of all my cars now. What a stupid time to be alive.

January 22, 2022 – They need to just strip every SUV and truck of LED headlights and switch them back to the older styles. I spend almost 3 hours a night driving to and from work out on the back roads and every single time there is a whole bunch of people (mostly SUVS) just out driving around with LEDS. It gets absolutely terrible because a lot of times they’re using their brights and because it’s a straight road halfway to my work, I can’t see for shit for at least a mile. One day I’m going to crash and I’m gonna sue the manufacturer of that vehicle and the person who drives it. They should’ve never made vehicles with those lights considering how hazardous they are.

January 10, 2022 – Went out last night and on the way home on a narrow road the oncoming Suv’s lights were blinding the crap out of me! I had to slow way down. I don’t like flashing them but I did! Bas-ard had his hi beams on! Really! Even after lowering his high beams I was still blinded! Pisses me off! According to police data, accident investigators report ‘dazzling headlamps’ as an influence in 10 fatal crashes, nearly 70 serious accidents and more than 250 other accidents. Some drivers suffer something called ‘disability glare’. Studies have shown it can take up to 10 seconds to recover from.

January 10, 2022 – The ridiculously bright headlights are SO dangerous. For everyone. Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians. PLEASE DON’T USE THEM PEOPLE.

January 8, 2022 – I’m tired of being blinded at night and scared I’m going to hit someone or something while blinded! I cant believe these lights ever passed ANY car manufacturers safety inspections

January 8, 2022 – I am signing this petition because the high intensity lumens (3000-4000) from LED highlights should be illegal, not the specially-designed glasses that are an alternative solution for driving at night. Once again it is a matter of money and power supported by the stronger lobbyists. I thought it was my imagination, that the headlights today are stronger and brighter than yesteryear. With almost 29,000 people supporting this petition, how is it these lights are still legal. It is clear the powerful lobbyists have a strong government backing and consumer affairs are of no concern. What horrific event is going to ban these LED lights the way, the Amber alert came into play. Why will it take a tragedy for this country to create a statute to ban LED headlights. These lights are blinding, these lights cause migraines, these lights force to look away from the road. And for some, these lights cause people to blackout when they are driving. Seriously, that in itself is enough reason to ban LED headlights. The irony is when the LED headlight driver flashes me when i left my brights on, two words for those drivers and its not Happy Birthday!!! This country is …

January 8, 2022 – Because I feel that these headlights are dangerous & deadly. My mom almost got in very bad accident because of these damn lights!! How many more people have to get hurt or lose their lives because of this stupid trend of LED lights. It has to stop !!

January 6, 2022 – We were just talking about this at work yesterday. Extra bright headlights, coupled with people having their high beams on, plus the fact that truck & SUV headlights are at the height of sedan windows, make for some dangerous driving conditions.

January 6, 2022 – When I drive at night, and there’s an oncoming car, I can’t see a darned thing until it has gone by me. I try to look at where the road in front of me SHOULD be, and pray that I don’t hit anything on the side of the road. It’s even worse if I am driving in a regular car (I drive a light duty truck.) I have friends who refuse to drive at night because they are blinded by oncoming halogens. Please, please, just angle them DOWN a bit??? Why do they ALL have to look like highbeams are already on? And when they do switch on their highbeams, then I am white knuckling the steering wheel, slowing way down, because I am almost completely blind until they have gone past me. Please, especially for the shorter amongst us, please stop blinding drivers?? It’s incredibly dangerous! It is light someone shining a flashlight directly into your face in the dark – all you can see is blinding light.

January 6, 2022 – Blue lights or light containing more blue lessen a persons night vision. These new lights blind other drivers

January 5, 2022 – I am only 41 and have been struggling to drive at night for years already because of these headlights. Just last week the driver behind me had lights so bright that the reflected off of the median barrier and light up the interior of my vehicle.

January 5, 2022 – I hate LED lights so painful on the eyes

January 5, 2022 – hurts my eyes

January 5, 2022 – My motorcycle’s headlight is not distinctive in a sea of bright DRLs, putting me at risk with inattentive drivers.

December 27, 2021 – I find that I cannot drive at night anymore without having eye pain the next day. I am glad to know that I am not alone in the sensitivity to the new car lights. Their presence is steadily growing. How can we make the car companies aware and responsible for reversing the trend of those lights. It is like looking at bright lights all of the time. I am prone to migraines from bright lights . I do not want to stop driving but I’m any have to because to drive with bright lights in my eyes on highways is not only painful but dangerous. It has affected how I see at night . who can we contact to make the car companies aware and to petition that they stop using those new lights in cars?

Streetlights and Floodlights

January 8, 2022 – The LED lights in my neighborhood are so intolerable to my eyes I can’t even look at them and they are not even that bright for LED, maybe about 3000K. It is beyond me how any rational person could think those lights would be appropriate for the public and actually buy and install them. They are like some kind of industrial laser.

January 4, 2022 – Up the road there’s a new business in town where 100s of ppl are walking down the used to be able to see and avoid the ppl until they put up megabright LEDs and now you cannot see a thing- you cannot see where to drive- you cannot see the ppl-How’s that for energy efficient? Efficient at killing ppl would have to be the only outcome-and I guess that’ll sustain the planet for..

December 6, 2021 – “Then the parking lots, street lights, outdoor lighting at customers and in the railroad yard, the number board lights, gauge lights.. EVERYTHING went to LEDs and my migraine headaches became constant.. I was taking multiple doses of Excedrin, Tylenol, Anacin and other medications to try to combat the headaches, rage, nausea and other symptoms that the LEDs were causing.. until I finally had to quit.”

December 5, 2021 – “I can’t be out after dark.. more than 20 minutes of all the LED streetlights, security lights, stoplights, billboards… that flicker result in a massive headache. So when I travel I go with my mom. I drive during the day and she drives after dark. This past fall we went down to Joplin MO to visit family and after the sun went down I put on dark sunglasses while we are in the county with less lights. as we get to the town/city areas with more lights on, I switch to a sleep mask to block all light, as i haven’t found any other way to block the flicker. There was one corner as we turned I heard my mom (who was driving) gasp as I SAW light through my sleep mask! and she said that it was a billboard. that is outrageous!”

Flashing Lights

January 3, 2022 – It hurt my brain to watch. So do the flashing commercials on TV even tho ours is a cathode ray.

January 3, 2022 – Much the same for me. I had a few minutes of looking at that one LED lit and have had a migraine that hasn’t gone away since.

January 3, 2022 – I was just mentioning that to someone I know today. I knew people who had fluorescent and strobe lighting headaches and seizures. The LEDs are so much worse than anything I’ve seen before.

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